Home Adventist news fro the south pacific Announcing the Bookshelf Top 20 of 2019

Announcing the Bookshelf Top 20 of 2019


Each year we compile a list of the 20 best-selling books that have been advertised in the monthly Bookshelf catalogue across the year. This is an opportunity to catch up on some of the popular books you might have missed—and this year, you have the chance to win one of the books on this list that you might not yet have read (see link below).

Now in its 10th year, this ranking represents sales through Adventist bookstores in Australia and New Zealand since January 1, but many of these books have also been shared and sold in other ways across the year, in churches, at church events and in the wider community. Six of this year’s list have carried over from last year’s Top 20 list, including Food As Medicine setting a record for a fourth consecutive year on the Bookshelf Top 20.

1. As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God

Nina Atcheson’s inspiring passion for the Bible and practical strategies for incorporating Bible-reading into our lives and families have caught the attention of many church members and friends as she has shared her insights at churches, conferences and camp-meetings. And this number-one ranking reflects only a portion of this book’s sales in the South Pacific and around the world.

2. If You Can Eat . . . You Can Make Disciples: Sharing Faith in A Multi-faith World

Drawing on Peter Roennfeldt’s experiences with his multi-faith neighbours and his study of the teaching of Jesus in Luke 10, this simple book offers a strategy for everyday faith-sharing with friends and neighbours—and recommends eating. No wonder this is popular.

3. Revive Café Cookbook 7

Since the first Bookshelf Top 20 in 2010, Jeremy Dixon’s cookbooks from his Auckland-based Revive Cafés have been perennial favourites. This most recent instalment features 13 recipes for plant-based cheeses and “secret recipes” for three of the Revive Cafés’ most popular desserts.

4. Of Falafels and Following Jesus: Stories from a Journey Through the Holy Land

Three travellers share stories of visiting the places of the stories of Jesus today. If you have always wanted to visit the Bible lands, this book will give you a taste of the journey. If you have had the opportunity, you will likely re-visit some good memories. If such a journey has never occurred to you, this was the starting point for this story.

5. For the Least of These

The companion book for the third quarter’s Sabbath school Bible study connected with some readers beyond the usual readership of companion books, partly due to the support and promotion by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). But this response also points to the interest we have in making our faith practical, something that makes a difference in our communities and our world.

6. “Take Me to the San”: Stories from a Hospital with a Mission

A collection of stories and reflections from the history and work of Sydney Adventist Hospital, focused on the special mission of this iconic hospital. The various authors each have many years of experience working in and with the hospital, and these chapters give insight into the passion they have brought to this work of healing and hope.

7. David’s Triumph

The third and final chapter of the “Finding David” series, David’s Triumph was released late last year and has seen solid sales as an individual book and as part of the complete three-book set. An engaging story for teens and a good discussion-starter about making good choices, overcoming challenges and keeping focus on what matters most.

8. Ezra and Nehemiah

The current Sabbath school companion book explores these small books of Hebrew history as the Jewish nation struggled to return from exile, rebuild their nation and restore their relationship with God.

9. Family Seasons

When we talk about relationships, we must recognise that all our relationship change and grow through the seasons of our lives. This Sabbath school companion book from this year’s second quarter takes us on this journey with the timeless wisdom and insights of the Bible.

10. Following Jesus: Disciple-making and Movement-building

In its third year of the Top 20 list, this book continues to lead readers back to the stories, ministry and disciple-making method of Jesus. As a reading guide through the gospels, the individual guides also direct readers to the relevant chapters in Messiah and The Desire of Ages.

11. Following the Spirit: Disciple-making, Church-planting and Movement-building Today

As there was last year, Dr Peter Roennfeldt has three books on this year’s Top 20 list. This book is a study of the Book of Acts, continuing the disciple-making movement of Jesus in the mission, experiences and theological debates of the early church. The challenge is what it means to be a disciple-making movement in our time and place.

12. The Book of Daniel

The Old Testament book of Daniel is foundational to Adventist history and worldview. It is the topic of study for the Sabbath school lessons in the first quarter of next year, and this book offers deeper and additional resources for this study.

13. Seventh-day Adventists Believe

The new edition of Seventh-day Adventists Believe was released last year and incorporates the updated text of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs as amended at the 2015 General Conference session, as well as detailed study, explanation and application of the church’s core beliefs.

14. The Power of Hope

While our physical health and wellbeing is important, we should not forget our emotional and spiritual health. This small book offers insight into the burdens so many of us carry and a path to peace, restoration and healing for you—and to share.

15. God Said It: Life of Joseph

Part of a new series of small Bible stories presented in full colour to teach children the basic Bible narratives and to share them with others. And the stories of Joseph with his colourful coat, amazing dreams and rise to power with God’s leading is always a favourite.

16. Food As Medicine: Cooking for Your Best Health

Celebrating its record fourth year in the Top 20, Food As Medicine continues to sell strongly—and deservedly so. Award-winning, plant-based, practical and delicious, this cookbook is continuing to bring good health to kitchens, families and communities around the world.

17. Live More Happy: Scientifically Proven Ways to Lift Your Mood and Your Life

Dr Darren Morton brought together the best research in positive psychology, lifestyle medicine and neuroscience. But for all this scientific credibility, Live More Happy is readable and full of practical strategies for lifting your mood and wellbeing in everyday life. This book will also make a difference in the lives of those you share it with.

18. God? Really? Good News About the God I Don’t Believe In

First published in Norwegian by the Adventist publishing house in Norway, God? Really? was written as a response to the “New Atheists” and their critiques of religion and aspects of Christian faith—some of which the author resonates with and offers a more compelling vision of what God is like, as the Bible truly portrays it.

19. Hearing the Way: What the First Christians Heard in the Stories of Jesus

Only launched in October, the early sales of Kayle de Waal’s new book helped it jump onto the Top 20 list. Hearing the Way explores an Old Testament theme that recurs in a number of ways across the New Testament and offers new insights into understanding the stories of Jesus and His first followers.

20. Captain Jack Radley and the Heyday of the Fleet: The Story of Adventist Mission Boats in the South Seas

An intriguing and comprehensive history of the church’s mission boats in the South Pacific from the 1890s to the present day, with a focus on the stories of the author’s father and her own experiences sailing on these boats as a young person.

Would you like to win one of the books on this list? Visit: www.adventistbookcentre.com.au/top20.

These books are available from Adventist bookstores in Australia and New Zealand.

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