The Adventist Church in the territory expresses appreciation for the kindness and support it received after the recent passing of two leaders.
February 02, 2016
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Staff
We have been greatly touched and encouraged by the outpouring of prayers and support from so many throughout the challenging times leading up to and after the passing of our former president Pastor Alberto C. Gulfan, Jr. in September 2015 and the recent loss of SSD President Leonardo R. Asoy on January 12. Thank you for ministering to us in so many ways throughout the past two years as Pastor Gulfan battled multiple myeloma and then again in the past few months as Pastor Asoy experienced the effects of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).
First and foremost, we praise God for His never-failing strength and mercies. Time and time again over the weeks and months He has lifted us up out of our worries and later sorrow so we could carry on the day-to-day responsibilities involved in our work throughout our wide and diverse territory. He has been our surety as we tried our best to plan and serve through momentary uncertainties.
Here in our office we have prayed together in small and large groups, stepped in to help each other complete projects, cared for our presidential families and pressed together as a family of God. Jesus and His promise of our eternal home have enabled us to continue with a foundation of peace and hope. To God we give all our praise and gratitude.
In addition, we are especially grateful for the caring and support from our world church and its administration during this time. Through prayers, phone calls, emails and other encouragement, you have touched our hearts. This was most recently exemplified in world church President Ted N.C. Wilson’s suggestion of a special time of remembrance for our two faithful leaders.
In March Elder Wilson will travel to the SSD headquarters to meet with the SSD Executive Committee on the 18th for discussions regarding our future leadership before a decision is later made by committee at the General Conference level.
On the following day Sabbath, March 19 there will be a special live-streamed morning program at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies. A portion of the Sabbath School will be reserved for a time of remembrance for Pastors Gulfan and Asoy. Afterward Elder Wilson will share a message of encouragement as the church service speaker.
For now we invite you to join us in a continued commitment to follow Christ as our ultimate Leader and trust Him as He leads us all forward to reach those who struggle under the weight of this world’s heartaches but do not yet know the One who can carry them through any of life’s tragedies with hope.