Home Adventist news fro the south pacific Connecting and healing through music

Connecting and healing through music


In light of suffering brought about by drought and harsh weather during the summer of 2019-2020, musicians from Brisbane Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church decided to encourage and bring healing to the family of believers through inspired music.

On Sabbath, March 7, the musicians and some of their families drove three hours north-west to Kingaroy Seventh-day Adventist Church to conduct a special service. Several Adventist congregations from neighbouring towns also joined to enjoy an uplifting musical worship service followed by lunch and fellowship in the church hall.

“It was truly a day full of blessings for all those who had come to hear, as well as those who had gone to serve,” said Brisbane Korean church member Susanna Je. “[We] felt convicted by the Holy Spirit to not only pray, but to put to practice Paul’s teaching in Romans 12:6-8 by using our God-given gifts.”

The Korean church is praying for more opportunities to connect with and bring healing to sister churches in the conference and thus give glory to God through the cheerful use of the musical gifts He has granted them.

Kingaroy church has invited the Korean musicians back to share another day of praise and worship together.

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