Home Adventist news fro the south pacific Two people killed en route to Pathfinder camp, others in critical condition

Two people killed en route to Pathfinder camp, others in critical condition


East Taraka Pathfinders during their 2018 club campout at Tikaleng beach outside Lae, Morobe.

Two people from East Taraka Seventh-day Adventist Church have been confirmed dead and others are in ICU after being caught in two separate motor vehicle accidents on the way to a Pathfinder Camp in Lae, Morobe Province (PNG), on July 24.

According to a Facebook post by Tsirobin Labz Huranaka, the first accident involved a Pathfinder director who was driving a group of young pathfinders to a camp organised by the Morobe Mission youth department. The Pathfinder director has been pronounced dead, while many of the Pathfinders are currently in ICU at Lae’s Angau Memorial Hospital.

After the accident occurred, a parent was notified and decided to travel to the accident site, but was killed in a separate accident along the journey.

According to another Facebook post by fellow church member Charles Bilisin, Joseph Ken from Tomba, Western Highlands Province, was one of the casualties. He was described by Mr Bilisin as “a man after God’s heart [who was] always willing to use his vehicles for God’s service, a man with an open heart to the poor and needy.”

Adventist News Online is still seeking further information as to the identity of the other casualty, and encourages anyone with information to please contact news@record.net.au.

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