Home Adventist news fro the south pacific Fresh food initiative helping families impacted by civil unrest in the Solomons...

Fresh food initiative helping families impacted by civil unrest in the Solomons – Adventist Record


The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has mobilised to assist Chinese families, workers and friends impacted by the recent civil unrest in Solomon Islands.

ADRA is part of the Church Agencies Network for Disaster Operation (CANDO), funded by the Australian Government’s Australian Humanitarian Partnership. Recognising that there are many people who have experienced trauma and are afraid to go out to public areas following the rioting and looting, CANDO came up with the idea of bringing fresh fruit and vegetables to them.

“Our church leaders from Anglican and Seventh-day Adventist communities passed the announcement for people to freely give, and ADRA, supported by CANDO, covered the logistical costs to pick up all the food from the six kind-hearted communities of Guadalcanal,” said ADRA country director Stephen Tasker.

“When people can care for others in our country . . . out of the goodness of their hearts, and not expecting anything in return, then we know that the society is on the right track to unity and prosperity. I would like to thank the people of Guadalcanal for shining their light in these dark times. Let us all unite for the betterment of our country, Solomon Islands.”

Helping those who have experienced trauma due to the civil unrest.

The six communities of Kongga, Ariatakiki, Mamasa, Soso, Kolona and Kiamami have pitched in to supply fresh garden produce.

Wendy Ho, a Solomon Islands Chinese Association representative, thanked the CANDO team for the support they have provided for the Chinese community. She said it goes to show there are many good people still out there.

Lionel Dau, coordinator for CANDO partners, joined others to appeal to church congregations to continue to come forward and help friends and families who have been displaced and are in trauma due to the unrest.

“As we have termed ourselves a Christian country, therefore we should also show it by our actions,” he said.

The local food assistance from CANDO partners will continue on a weekly basis. Other partners within the CANDO partnership are the South Seas Evangelical Church, Caritas Solomon Islands, Anglican Church of Melanesia and the United Church in the Solomon Islands.

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